b'SUPERVISORY COMMITTEEREPORTMissionFedsSupervisoryCommitteeiscomprisedofvolunteermemberswhohave oversight responsibility for the credit unions financial reporting process, internal controls, and process for monitoring compliance with laws and regulations. This years committee members include: Dr. Lupe Buell, Laura Josh, and myself. In 2023, the Committee carried out its oversight responsibilities in collaboration with internalandexternalresources,evaluatingvariousaspectsofthecreditunionsoperations. We engaged with a certified public accounting firm to perform an opinion audit on the credit unions financial statements as required by National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) regulation. In fulfilling our oversight responsibilities, we discussed the financial statements in the annual report with management, including a discussion of the quality of the accounting principles; the reasonableness of significant judgments; and the clarity of disclosures in the financial statements. Annually, Mission Fed undergoes an extensive oversight process by the NCUA regulators, external auditors, and the internal audit team, and completes various compliance assessments throughout the year. Based on the results of the annual examination conducted by the NCUA and overall audit results, it is the opinion of the Supervisory Committee that Mission Fed Credit Union continues to be well managed, with a sound internal control structure to safe-guard our members assets.The credit unions commitment to ensuring strong financial reserves, sound business practices, and dedicated leadership enables us to manage changes in the economic and regulatory environment, while maintaining a healthy financial position. On behalf of the Supervisory Committee, we wish to express our appreciation to the Board of Directors, management, and staff for their continued support, diligence, and dedication to serving our members while maintaining sound practices. Respectfully submitted,Tina DouglasTINA DOUGLAS DR. LUPE BUELL LAURA JOSHChair, SupervisoryBoard Member Committee MemberCommittee'